What is it like working with Business Interface LLC? We interviewed some of our trusted business partners with the hope to learn more about what a business relationship with Business Interface looks like. Let's see what they had to share about our services...
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"Business Interface’s philosophy is built on the premise of helping people move from a life of dependency to one that is self-sustainable. This was the founding ideal 15 years ago, and it is a privilege to say that it is still the fundamental ideal.
Many organizations do not make it five years, or ten years; even more do not make it past a thought. As a matter of fact, Small Business Administration (SBA) estimates that 34% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 50% during the first five years, 66% during the first ten and only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more. Therefore, it is humbling to celebrate Business Interface’s 15th year of successful operation.
In the past decade and a half, BI Workforce Services has served the local communities, seeking to provide social and financial stability. It is by God’s grace, and hard work, that vulnerable and underserved individuals are building local capacity, enhancing access to basic services, and generating income and employment."
- Rodney Carroll, Founder and CEO 7/16/2021

Train. Hire. Grow.
Business Interface has extensive experience delivering meaningful and impactful change. BI's leadership mobilizes the business community in support of hiring nontraditional pools of labor. By linking underserved populations with employers in need of well-prepared and willing labor, we help individuals transition from a life of dependency to self-determinacy.